Monday, April 13, 2009

Can a dog be allergic to flowers and should I bring him to get checked?

I put a automatic air freshner in the house , well his nose started running and he started sneezing. I took that off and he stopped , well I brought him outside and we started having alot of those white clover flowers and his nose started running again and sneezing. I%26#039;m thinking I should bring him to get checked, Please Help ?

Can a dog be allergic to flowers and should I bring him to get checked?
My dog is incredibly allergic to flowers (and most other house plants, for that matter).

I took him to the vet, who gave me some meds to temporarily relieve his symptoms.

You should definitely take him. :)
Reply:You should take him to the vets. My dogs like that sometimes and it turned out he was having allergies!
Reply:not all dogs but yea.I think you should take him for a checkup
Reply:yes get him checked

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